
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tokyo - Day 4 and Day 5

Last time in Tokyo ... we went to the famous fish market and had great sushi at one of the little sushi place ... it was raining a bit and we stood in line for an hour to squeeze into that little place.    I had one of the best sushi I ever had (and I don't have much since I'm not a big fan of raw fish) ... it was quite funny when the bill ended up to be 7777 yen ... scary.

So, this time, we dashed out of the hotel early in the morning and went there again ... this time though, we didn't go into the "inner streets" but went to a tour book favorite sushi place "Sushi Ching".   The sushi wasn't good for our taste though ... and they didn't have some of our favorites either.   Mo complained about the sushi rice too ... which had too much vinegar for our taste.   So, we only ate a few pieces and left ... and ended up at the same sushi place (as we went to on Saturday) at 5pm ... this time it was a much shorter line, and we were able to get in by 5:30pm.    We ordered one of the sets which had 14 pieces under 3000 yen.   They were really good value for the money!!  Next time though, we should order a even smaller set and then order our favorites individually.

After dinner, we dashed to Isetan to pick up two bottles of sake Masumi Yumedono.    This is the really smell good taste good sake that toto introduced us to at that sake festival at Citysuper last time.    Since it's like 40% less in Tokyo ... we thought it's worth the trouble.   Well ... see Mo's blog for the end results ...

Day 5 ... time to bid farewall to Tokyo once more.    As we had to take the 1:00pm shuttle to the airport, we didn't have much time except to go shop shop over at Takashimiya and Tokyo Hands ... and then picked up some lunch from the gourmet supermama ... which by the way was not cheap at all.

To wrap up ... just a tip for those who are trying to buy something at the airport ... at least at the terminal where Cathay is ... there's not much to shop post-immigration.   If you want something, better to pick up before you go in.   However, you don't get the duty free benefits ...


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