
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hooray Tokyo - Day 3

Hehe ... Day 3

Got up a bit late ... 9-ish am (then again, per my Sunday standard, this was extremely early) and thus went straight to lunch. Went to this great teppanyaki steak place ... it was like 11:30am and already a line. The wait was about 30-45 minutes ... but sure enough ... it was worth it. We ordered the "summer special" which I can't even remember the name now ... but the steak was so yum yum ... definitely a must visit place.

After lunch, went just shopping around ... and walked around the park where the famous shogun family once resided (as in Ooku). Then we started off to Ginza after coffee break. Since it was only like 5:45pm, we visited the Sony Building and saw all the latest gadgets there ... with the yen quite low these days, I was really tempted to get something, but of course Mo stopped me. With nothing to buy, we went to dinner early at the tempura place at B1 level. I recalled having dinner there a few years ago, and it was all packed. However, this time, there were only like 3 groups of people at anytime ... quite sad indeed. So, Mo and I ended up to be the "higlight" of the day for the chef ... and we were under his close supervision during the entire meal ... explaining to us what each piece of tempura is ... and how to eat it (which condiment to put on) ... and we were such good students, haha. He even helped take a photo of us ... and gave us a souvenir paper swan to go with the photos!!

Guess how much is this dinner?

The evening ended with a quick stroll at the nearby neighborhood again ... this time to look for the camera and lens as requested by Mr. C. After re-stocking on juice and water, we called it a day ...

Tomorrow ... sushi at fish market!!


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