
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Surviving India ...

It was probably the most bumpiest (is there such a word?) plane ride I had go to India via Singapore ... definitely a competition for all those Disney rides ... there were quite a number of "wow" "ooooh" "arh" ...

The food and entertainment system at Singapore Airlines flights are actually quite good ... their movie system has so many good movies and choices ... and they are on demand too (can play, stop, forward, rewind, pause). The food from HK to SG was quite good ... the food from SG to India didn't fit my diet though ... spicy chicken or lamb ... I tried the lamb but couldn't continue after the 2nd small piece.

The Chennai airport was quite packed ... took quite a long time to get passed Immigration ... and even longer to wait for my bags (and I have two with one of them all filled with water and food). I couldn't believe how many big luggages each family had ... this family of 5 who was pushing me out of the way at the luggage belt much have at least 10 big luggages ... the wife and son kept bringing over a new cart and the dad kept picking up yet another big luggage from the belt. I was a bit worried at first that customs may want to open my bags since I have two big ones for just a few days visit ... but seeing them, I realized that I'm just a little "mo" compared to them, haha.

The hotel car driver was waiting for me already at the end of a long line of people waiting to pick up someone ... the first thing he commented was whether my flight was delayed. Well, I guess that's a hint for needing to tip him ... which I did. The roads were still crowded even though it's already 11:30pm at night ... the scenario reminded me a bit of some back streets in China where you have all these little shops and people all over the place ... but then you turn into another street and then you see a few of those nice big tall buildings. The hotel is one of them ... the rooms are quite big although a bit old. After following all the hints and tips from my fellow friends and colleagues who've been in India ... I finally was able to slip into bed after 3 hours.

The buffet breakfast at the hotel was fine ... and the driver was already waiting for an hour when we finally left the hotel (somehow the driver came at 8am instead of 9am). The meeting started very slow ... we didn't really start till like 11:30am ... the customer ordered pizza for us ... the cheese pizza I had was actually not bad. The people here are quite nice ...

By the way, it's past 7pm already ... and I'm still good ... haha. But I think I'm getting a slight rash ...

I'm eating Nissin Demae Ramen with Hormel Vienna Sausage now ... can't say it's great but good enough lah. Tomorrow will probably have to dine out with the customers ... but today better stay in to finish some work.

Good news is that I can leave a day earlier ... no meetings on Saturday ... bad news is that no seats available ... on waiting list now. Come to think of it ... I would have nowhere to go to if I have to say another day ... yuck yuck

By the way, haven't really seen any mosquitoes or flies ... although quite a few cows lying around in the middle of the road ... too bad I didn't bring my camera!!

Lastly, it was quite a sunny day when we left the hotel this morning ... but then it was pouring when we were coming back ...


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