
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Goodbye Mick

Typhoon Signal #3 was hoisted yesterday morning ... as it was pouring when I was about to leave home for work, Dad and Mom offered to drop me off at the Diamond Hill MTR station, on the way to Dad's office. Needless to say, I gladly hopped on the car, and off we went. When I got off the car, I had a little ways to go ... just less than a block and cross the street. But when waiting for the green signal, although little rain, a sudden strong wind topped my red Mickey umbrella. I was able to flip it back, but found out later (in front of the MTR station) that the umbrella was damaged internally. Thus, I bid it goodbye to Mickey which has been around for probably 20 years, and left it with the company of a few deserted umbrellas in the trash can, broken the same way.

Ironically, M was telling me that I should get this umbrella replaced ...

Maybe this is a (good) sign for new things to come ...


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