
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Who's Afraid of the Boss?

Not sure if it is just the trend ... or how the Business environment has become these days ... but there has been so many "horror" stories about "the BOSS" lately.   I get those Dilbert things from various colleagues and friends ... and then I see an article (titled "True Tales of Nightmare Bosses" in the current issue of People magazine about terrible bosses (plus the movie with Meryl Streep as the horror boss) ... and even on tonight's Desperate Housewives, it shows the Boss making a male employee eat a donut that's been dropped in the toilet bowl ... and then his female executive (who happens to be the guy's wife) eating a pound of raw bacon to settle the bet with him so that he would stop "playing" her husband.

Guess good bosses are becoming dinosaurs ...


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