
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hooray Tokyo - Day 3

Hehe ... Day 3

Got up a bit late ... 9-ish am (then again, per my Sunday standard, this was extremely early) and thus went straight to lunch. Went to this great teppanyaki steak place ... it was like 11:30am and already a line. The wait was about 30-45 minutes ... but sure enough ... it was worth it. We ordered the "summer special" which I can't even remember the name now ... but the steak was so yum yum ... definitely a must visit place.

After lunch, went just shopping around ... and walked around the park where the famous shogun family once resided (as in Ooku). Then we started off to Ginza after coffee break. Since it was only like 5:45pm, we visited the Sony Building and saw all the latest gadgets there ... with the yen quite low these days, I was really tempted to get something, but of course Mo stopped me. With nothing to buy, we went to dinner early at the tempura place at B1 level. I recalled having dinner there a few years ago, and it was all packed. However, this time, there were only like 3 groups of people at anytime ... quite sad indeed. So, Mo and I ended up to be the "higlight" of the day for the chef ... and we were under his close supervision during the entire meal ... explaining to us what each piece of tempura is ... and how to eat it (which condiment to put on) ... and we were such good students, haha. He even helped take a photo of us ... and gave us a souvenir paper swan to go with the photos!!

Guess how much is this dinner?

The evening ended with a quick stroll at the nearby neighborhood again ... this time to look for the camera and lens as requested by Mr. C. After re-stocking on juice and water, we called it a day ...

Tomorrow ... sushi at fish market!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hooray Tokyo Day 2

Hehe ... Day 2 ...

Didn't sleep very well last night ... which is pretty normal for me on a trip at a hotel. Woke up in the morning ... and asked Mo what time it was. She replied 6am ... and then suggested to go to the fish market to have sushi since it's so early anyway (and it's closed on Sunday). Given that my hair felt like Lion King, I tried to lie flat on my head for a few minutes to try to fix it ... and Mo got up first and then found out it's really 8:45am already. So, guess fish market was no longer a good option ... and decided to go the Makuhari Outlet instead.

After a hunt for a place for breakfast (the nearby Starbucks was kind of packed) ... we finally ended up at McD and shared a bagel ham & cheese sandwich. When we finally arrived at the outlet, it's about noon.

Given how efficient we were ... we were done shopping by 4:30pm (and then included a quick lunch - beef bowl and yam bread ... and a quick coffee break at Tully's). We covered Coach, Nike, Adidas, Edwin, Triumph, Mont Bell, Columbia, Cole Haan, and maybe a couple more. Didn't get too much stuff, but happily got a couple of sunglasses retainer that were not available even in US.

As for dinner, we went to this sushi place that Boss Chen recommended ... it was 6pm when we got there and shockingly saw a long queue already. It was like 7:30pm when we finally got in. We had a total of 16 pieces ... and the bill was only 3884 yen!! Mo is now trying to schedule in another lunch there before we leave ... haha. Well, I would have shared some photos ... but we were so hungry when it's our turn ... and by the time we remembered, we ate half already. So, we decided to forget about it ...

After dinner, we rushed to the nearby Disney Store and got a big bag of goodies too, including another long searched item ... cute drinking glasses for Mo's home!! Yeah!!

Last but not least ... yesterday's scenery (which Mo still hasn't find time to report) is still valid today, haha.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Hooray Tokyo - Day 1

Today is Day 1 of my long awaited (no work) vacation in Tokyo ... YEAH!!

I crawled out of bed at about 5:35am for my 9:10am flight ... and yes, I won't even comment on when I went to bed last nite. By the time I got on the plane, I was back to "bed" and slept (on and off) most of the way.

The flight supposedly arrived early, but then after that very long (really long) taxi-ing to the terminal, I think we only ended up arriving on time at the gate. Fortunately, the queue at immigration was extremely short, and Japanese, being as efficient as they'll come, got the bags out quite quickly also (how quick? well, the bags came out pretty soon after a quick stop at the ladies room).

We finally got on the 3:15pm Airport Limousine and arrived at the hotel at about 5:00pm. After settling down, we hopped over to Takashimaya / Tokyu Hands for a quick (really quick) tour and went up to 14th Floor for dinner. Oh the way there though, we came across quick a sight ... but I'll leave that for Mo to report as it's probably much more fun to do that in Chinese.

Dinner was great as expected ... highlights shown here.

After a happy meal, we went down to the supermarket to look for fruit ... but ended up getting two pieces of sushi instead ... it was on sale at half price since it was near closing. And again, I have to applaud the Japanese ... they actually put a pack of ice on top of the two pieces of sushi to keep it fresh!!

The day ended with a brief stroll at the neighborhood ... and amazingly enough ... we saw the same "scene" as we did before dinner ... again to leave it for Mo to report.

Well, who said that things are expensive in Japan? We got a few bargains at the neighborhood stores ... Itoen Mixed Fruit Juice (930g) at HK$13 ... Shiseido Anessa Suntan lotion at 20% off ... etc. etc.

Hehe ... looking forward to shop shop tomorrow ... and yes, more food!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

More Tennis

Highlights from today's game ... but not me again ...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Target Practice?

hehe ... it's WII day again ... highlights from someone (not me):
