
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

When Will We See You Again?

After saying goodbye in BJ on Sunday Aug 20 ... have not heard much from Mr. C ... only to see his occasional blog updates to find out his whereabouts. His fellow colleagues at work is wondering when he's coming back ... and thus demonstrate as follows:

Mr. C ... so when will we see you again?

Monday, August 07, 2006

U R Fired ... via SMS

This is really scary ...

LONDON (AFP) - A company has defended its decision to sack one of its staff by text message, claiming it was keeping in touch with youth culture.

Katy Tanner, a 21-year-old sales assistant, received the message while she was off work with a migraine, the South Wales Echo newspaper said Friday.

The text message said: "We will not require your services anymore...Thank you for your time with us."

"I don't think it's right to just text someone. At least they should have talked to me face to face," Tanner said.

"You're not allowed to text in sick, you have to phone. The fact that they texted me is a bit of double standards."

Several senior staff members at Blue Banana, a body-piercing and jewellery shop based in Cardiff, defended the decision.

But company director Jon Taylor added that an internal investigation was underway to see if "the ultimate action was ideal".

The retailer claims it tried to reach Tanner directly "five or six times" and passed on a message through her boyfriend before the text was sent.

And store director Ian Besbie added that the dismissal method was fair because texting was a part of "youth culture".

"We are a youth business and our staff are all part of the youth culture that uses SMS (text) messaging as a major means of communication," he said.

The company employs about 120 people in Britain, many of them aged under 21.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Goodbye Mick

Typhoon Signal #3 was hoisted yesterday morning ... as it was pouring when I was about to leave home for work, Dad and Mom offered to drop me off at the Diamond Hill MTR station, on the way to Dad's office. Needless to say, I gladly hopped on the car, and off we went. When I got off the car, I had a little ways to go ... just less than a block and cross the street. But when waiting for the green signal, although little rain, a sudden strong wind topped my red Mickey umbrella. I was able to flip it back, but found out later (in front of the MTR station) that the umbrella was damaged internally. Thus, I bid it goodbye to Mickey which has been around for probably 20 years, and left it with the company of a few deserted umbrellas in the trash can, broken the same way.

Ironically, M was telling me that I should get this umbrella replaced ...

Maybe this is a (good) sign for new things to come ...