
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Obsolete ...

In the past 12 months ... what I have seen reinforced my new relevation ...

Used to be the theory that when you worked 110% on your job ... people would recognize your hardwork and gain their respect (ok maybe not exactly that simple, but you know what I'm talking about) ...

Nowadays, that theory is obsolete ... the new theory is ... you have to work 50% on your job and then 60% on telling others how great and wonderful you are ... then you would gain their respect ...

Actually I was going to say 20% / 90% ... but then again, I don't think that would work. But if you can work 110% on the latter ... then you may really excel.

It's so sad ...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mission Impossible ???

Recently watched MI-III at the movies ... and tonight Pearl is showing the first MI movie. Can't help but notice that Mr. Cruise has aged quite a bit ...

First MI movie ... still has that boyish charm look ... so all the ladies in the movie looked older than him ...

MI-II ... his hair looked awful ...

MI-III ... not sure if it's all the weird things he did in the past couple years (especially the Cruise-Holmes show), but he sure looked a bit "weird" ... and it's getting a bit tiring to be seeing his face the entire movie (btw, that goes for War of the Worlds too). His hair looked better though ...

Interestingly enough ... my "younger" cousins and some friends told me they won't go see MI-III because Tom is getting weird ...

oh well ... can still remember him in Top Gun ...

English, anyone?

See if you catch any misspelling in the photos ...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Central ...

This week is Golden Week ... went on the Star Ferry (round trip, TST and Central), and was hearing Putonghua all around us. Some of them were "fighting" to get to the "window" seats ... likely to take photos of the harbour. Interestingly enough, being a local, you never think about taking photos of the harbour.

Since I just happened to have a camera with me (was showing photos of little Karen, happily arrived on schedule May 2), and with surprisingly very few people at the pier after dinner (both at Central and TST), snapped a few photos ...

Special bonus ... baby Karen ... 6 lbs 10 oz ...