
no pain ... no gain ... high EQ ... low IQ ... happiness is what you view it to be ...

Monday, June 08, 2009


interesting ...

Yesterday when I came back to office ... I noticed a small piece of paper on the desk ... promoting "Green" (Support World Environment Day ... etc etc).

This is indeed a good thing ... but then the more I looked at it ... the more I thought ... but if it's to support World Environment Day, why are we wasting paper to print this out? Eventhough it's a small piece of paper ... printed on recycled paper ... but given this is an IT company ... almost everything is sent via email ... so why is a "Green" promotion thing sent via paper instead?

hmm ... then again, I shouldn't be surprised given the recent experience with my project's change request handling ... seems to be a case of lack of common sense?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is Friendship?

Just moved to new desk at the office ... had to rush through as at most times not in the office and someone requested to get this done this week ...

After spending about 2 hours, cleaning the drawers and desk ... carrying heavy binders and files from the mobile lockers to desk ... received this email from that someone at with timestamp of about 11:30am (and yes, the content is just like that):

1/ have you done moving into the new nest?
2/ have you decided which cabinet or drawer i can use? {i just need a small one}
3/ when can u give me a spare key? {i can "copy" one if u want, without bothering u & our dear sec}

As a friend, point #2 is really no problem at all ... even doing point #3 is not a problem (which by the way, already did that too) ... but then on the other hand, there was no offer to help whatsoever ... not even a "thanks" at the end ...

Maybe one can argue that as a friend, there should be give and take ... and shouldn't always expect "return" ... but then again, even the "very nicely dressed with equally nicely manicured nails" lady friend also helped carry a box downstairs, without the need to ask ...


Monday, October 13, 2008

As Time Goes By ...

Remember when first started working at XXX ... there was always a sense of family and team ... going to work was fun.   That was over a decade ago.   That was the time when I can still look up to my boss.  

That family and team feeling has long gone a few years back ... but lately, it's starting to feel like a dread to go to work.    Knowing more friends and colleagues will be leaving soon ... I can suddenly hear this tune in my head ... "Out Here On My Own"

Guess now I can understand how it feels when one of my colleagues told me the same thing a few months ago.    

Monday, September 29, 2008

China in 21st Century

I have to say ... this year, I'm quite impressed with our mainland brothers and sisters. I mean, after seeing how we triumphed over the snow storm, the earthquake, and held a most spectacular Olympics and Paralympic ... I have to say they completely changed my view. Of course, there are still room for improvement ... such as this recent milk incident ...

However, just was casually watching TV (while doing this stupid online training course) ... and I saw this preview clip on some National Day celebration show in which they have (among others) a bunch of guys dressed up in old uniforms (the one with that "square" cap), holding the machine gun (toy), dancing in that "you know what" style. Honestly, we really can do without these ... I mean, after all, just yesterday, we had a man walking in space!!!

Oh well ... maybe that's why HK TV shows and TV stars are still quite popular in China ...

Thursday, July 24, 2008


FINALLY ... after almost 10 years ... sold all my company's stock tonight (those through employee purchase) ... price wasn't that great (compared to how much I paid) ... but then again, the growth prospect isn't that good so might as well ...

In addition, need some money to pay mortgage ...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Long Time No See

July 2, 2008 ...

Just realized that I haven't updated my blog for like 9 months ...

I read my blog on the last few entries ... and suddenly the song "Circle of Life" comes to mind ...

I finally got rid of the project that I was on 9 months ago ...

Still on the project that I was just getting on to ... 9 months ago ...

Again recently been assigned to two more projects ... and again have to ask my management team to make the executive decision to get rid of one ...

And of course, still 110% on the current project too ...

Funny how things go ...

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Top Ten Greenest Cities in US

Portland, Texas
Austin, Texas
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Boulder, Colorado
Burlington, Vermont
Madison, Wisconsin
New York, New York
San Francisco, California
Santa Monica, California
Chicago, Illinois

*Data from Yahoo Real Estate (May 18, 2007)